Scientific evidence from peer-reviewed journals

A significant negative link between dietary creatine and depression was found in a nationally representative adult cohort
Transl Psychiatry 2020
Children growth
The daily intake of creatine from a regular diet in taller children and adolescents was higher than in shorter peers aged 2-19 years
Nutrients 2021
Kidney function
Odds ratio for having failing kidneys in adults taking over 2 g/d of dietary creatine compared to low-intake counterparts was 0.74
Food Sci Nutr 2021
Elderly consuming more than 0.95 g of creatine per day have superior cognition as compared to their peers with lower creatine intake
Aging Clin Exp Res 2021
Among NHANES adults, over 65% were calculated to have dietary creatine intake below recommended levels of 1 grams per day
Ann Nutr Metab 2021
Health conditions
Elderly with suboptimal intake of creatine have 2.62 times higher risk of angina pectoris and 2.59 times higher risk of liver disease
Food Sci Nutr 2021
Approximately six out of ten pregnant women (57.2%) consumed creatine below the recommended amounts for an adult female
Ann Nutr Metab 2022
Body composition
Creatine from food positively correlated with lean mass and bone mineral content in boys and girls aged 8 to 19 years
Nutr Metab Insights 2021