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Blueprint for large-scale food fortification

The Blueprint, based on a review and gap analysis of existing fortification frameworks, intends to refresh program thinking and priorities and provide renewed guidance concerning program components required to scale fortification initiatives and achieve nutrition impact goals. Further, the Blueprint intends to help better inform fortification programming policy and harmonize key design components, such as regulatory monitoring practices, creation of fortification standards, and identification of feasible fortification vehicles.

Monitoring flour fortification and health benefits

Fortification programmes must be monitored to confirm that they are working effectively, thereby ensuring the population is receiving a nutritious and safe fortified end-product. The development of fortification monitoring systems that can be properly implemented and maintained requires careful planning.

Regulatory monitoring of food fortification

This policy guidance document serves as a resource for those responsible for food fortification policy development and programme implementation. Its overarching aim is to help countries achieve the target public health outcomes that are established by stakeholders at the outset of food fortification programmes.

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